Archive for 2013
Passive Voice Exercises [HOME FUN]
Please do this home fun on a piece of paper.
See you next meeting. :)
Practicing I
Read the paired sentences aloud. Write "A" in the blank beside the sentence in the active voice,
"P" in the blank beside the sentence in the passive voice.
a. _______ Louise made the coffee.b. _______ The coffee was made by Louise.
c. _______ The package was advertised by the travel agent.
d. _______ The travel agent advertised the package.
Practicing II
Rewrite these sentences to put them in the active voice.
a. The sugar water was relished by the hummingbirds.______________________________________
b. Jogging is done by many people for exercise.
c. A standing ovation was given to the guitar player.
d. The syllabus was handed out by the professor.
Practicing III
Using either a computer or a piece of scratch paper,
rewrite the following paragraph in the active
Last summer our house was painted by me. The job took about two weeks. First, the exterior was washed using warm water and a mild detergent. Then all the chinks and pores in the walls were sealed with putty. After the putty had had a chance to dry, the exterior could be painted. A latex paint was used because it is easy to apply and cleans up with water. A whole week was needed to finish this part of the job. I was very careful to apply the paint evenly because I did not want to have to apply two coats. A color was used that was very close to the original color. Our house is a two-story house, which meant that a tall ladder was needed to do the second story. The paint can had to be balanced on the top rung of the ladder while I worked. When the job was finished, a great deal of satisfaction was felt by me. I had to pat myself on the
back. Even my dad said that a good job was done
Explanation Text
What is an Explanation text?
Watch the video below. Enjoy it!
Watch the video below. Enjoy it!
We called that video as explanation video. Why? because it explained the process of water cycle.
An explanation text is a kind of text that explains the processes involved in the
formation or workings of natural or non natural/ social phenomena and contains a sequenced explanation of why or how something
Purpose: To explain the processes involved in the formation and
working of natural or social phenomena
Text Organization/ structure:
~ General Statement : to position the reader and explains the processes involved in natural or social phenomena, or to explain how something works. This part is located in the first paragraph.
~ Explanation : a sequenced explanation of why and how something occurs/happen. This part located between the first and the last paragraph.
~ Conclusion (optional)
Language Features:
· Focus on generic, non-human participants
· The use of general and abstract nouns
· The use of action verbs
· The use of simple present tense
· The use of passive voice
· The use of conjunctions of time and cause
· The use of noun phrases
· The use of complex sentences
· The use of technical language
Then, read the text below. It is the written version of water cycle. So check it out!
Solar energy evaporates exposed water from seas, lakes, rivers, and wet soil; the majority of this evaporation takes place over the seas. Water is also released into the atmosphere by the plants through photosynthesis. During this process, known as evapotranspiration, water vapor rises into the atmosphere.
Clouds form when air becomes saturated with water vapor The two major types of cloud formation are stratified or layered grey clouds called stratus and billowing white or dark grey cloud called cumulus clouds.
Precipitation as rain, or hail ensures that water returns to Earth’s surface in a fresh form. Some of this rain, however, falls into the seas and is not accessible to humans. When rain falls, it either washes down hill slopes or seeps underground; when snow and hail melts, this water may also sink into the ground.
Rain fall also replenishes river water supplies, as does underground water. Snow fall may consolidate into glaciers and ice sheets which, when they melt, release their water into the ground, into stream or into the seas.
You may check texts in your biology book. There will be so many explanation text, there.
That is great, right? So, you have learned about explanation text. Keep learning :)
Direct Indirect Exercises
Hello students, This is direct and indirect exercises.
Please do this exercises in a piece of paper and submit it September 2nd, 2013, on 2nd break , at SPKG room.
Change the following sentences from direct to indirect sentences :.
- They said, “we love our country”
- They said, “we are enjoying the weather”
- They said, “we have not gone to New York.”
- She said, “It has been raining for three days.”
- She said, “I didn’t buy a car”
- She said, “I was not laughing”
- He said, “I had started a business”
- They said to me, “we will send you gifts”
- He said, “he will not be flying kite”
- He said, “I will have gone”
- My mom said, “You must do your home work”
- Anna asked, “ do you want to join?”
- Rose asked, “ what did you do yesterday?”
- Mom said, “ Close the door, please”
- Rusi says, “I’m happy”
Procedure Text
Hello guys. Have you ever made ice tea before? Now, you will learn to make it. Check this out!
How to make ice tea
Materials needed:
- Water
- Tea
- Sugar
- Ice cube
- Boil the water.
- Put the boiling water into a glass.
- Dip a tea into the glass.
- Put a spoonful of sugar into the glass.
- Mix well.
- Put 3 small ice cubes into the glass.
The text above is called PROCEDURE text.
So, what is procedure text?
The Definition of Procedure Text
Procedure text is a text that instruct how to make or do something.
The Purpose of Procedure Text
The purpose of a procedure is to tell the reader how to do or make something.
The Generic Structure of Narrative Text
A procedure usually has four
components. They are :
1. Goal or Aim
Stating what is to be done. The purpose of the text. The text above has a purpose to inform readers how to make ice tea.
listing in order of use includes
items needed to complete task. The material that you can be used to make ice tea are
3. Method
- Water
- Tea
- Sugar
- Ice cube
A series of steps. There are some steps to make ice tea.
- Boil the water.
- Put the boiling water into a glass.
- Dip a tea into the glass.
- Put a spoonful of sugar into the glass.
- Mix well.
- Put 3 small ice cubes into the glass.
Language Features of the Procedure Text
The text usually:
- is written in the simple present tense (do this, do that)
- focuses on generalized people rather than individuals (first you take, rather than first I take)
- the reader is often referred to in a general way, i.e. pronouns (you or one)
- action verbs (cut, fold, twist, hold etc)
- linking words to do with time (first, when, then) are used to connect the text
- detailed information on how (carefully, with the scissors); where (from the top); when (after it has set)
- detailed factual description (shape, size, color, amount)
Now check your understanding about procedure text. Read the text carefully!
So, keep learning and smiling. Bye!
Narrative Text
The Story Rabbit and Bear
Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot. On the contrary, the bear was always clumsy and could not use the arrow to shoot.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows. Because he was afraid to arouse the bear’s anger, he did not refuse the challenge. He went with the bear and shot buffaloes. He shot and killed so many that there were lots of meats left after.
However the bear did not make the rabbit get any of the meat. Even he could not taste it. The poor rabbit went home hungrily after a day of hard work.
Fortunately, the youngest child of the bear was very kind to the rabbit. His mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but he did not eat it all. He took some outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked the ball of meat toward the rabbit’s house. The meat flew into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the hungry rabbit got his meal.
Do you enjoy the story? The story of Rabbit and bear is called narrative text. Why? Check this out!
The Definition of Narrative Text
A narrative text is a text that has function to amuse the readers. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
The Purpose of Narrative Text
Narrative text has function to entertain or amuse the readers.
The Generic Structure of Narrative Text
The generic structure of a narrative text:
1. Orientation
This part tells about sets of the scene and introduces the participants. In the story above, the first paragraph is orientation. It told about the bear and the rabbit.
Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot. On the contrary, the bear was always clumsy and could not use the arrow to shoot.
2. Complication
This part shows a crisis arises. The second and third paragraph is complication. The rabbit got problems because the bear took the meat. The rabbit was hungry.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows. Because he was afraid to arouse the bear’s anger, he did not refuse the challenge. He went with the bear and shot buffaloes. He shot and killed so many that there were lots of meats left after.
However the bear did not make the rabbit get any of the meat. Even he could not taste it. The poor rabbit went home hungrily after a day of hard work.
3. Resolution
The crisis is resolved in this part. The youngest child bear gave the meat to the rabbit.
Fortunately, the youngest child of the bear was very kind to the rabbit. His mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but he did not eat it all. He took some outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked the ball of meat toward the rabbit’s house. The meat flew into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the hungry rabbit got his meal.
4. Re-orientation
This is the ending of the story. It can be happy ending or sad ending. This part is optional.
There is no re-orientation in the story above. However the ending is happy.
Now, it is time to watch a video.
Do you know what story is it?
Yeah, he is Malin Kundang.
This time, you have to read Malin Kundang's story by watching video. You can read the text below the picture in the video. Happy watching and reading
Okay, after watching the video.
Let's check your understanding.
Do FUN quiz below but don't forget to read the instruction first!
So, you have learned about narrative story, right? The story about "Bear and Rabbit" is the example of narrative story. There are so many narrative stories out there, such as Cinderella, Tangkuban Perahu, and Kancil. Next time, we will learn about other stories. See you next session.
Recount Text
Hi hi, Are you ready to learn something today? Yeah we will learn about something that happen in the past. The story below is about Rose's experience when he went to the Restaurant. Let's check!
Going to the Restaurant

We ate a pizza and salad. Our pizza was so big. I asked my dad to order some ice cream. Then my Dad ordered some ice cream and chocolate. I ate ice cream with chocolate happily. After dinner at the restaurant we went home.
It was a great dinner.
You can call Rose's story as RECOUNT text. Why? Because the story told about Rose's experience in the past. Now, this is the explanation about recount text.
The Definition of Recount Text
Recount text is a text that tells about past experiences. You can see that the text above is about Rose's past experience.
The Purpose of Recount Text
Recount text has a purpose to give information about past event.The Generic Structure of Narrative Text
Recount text has a specific structure. The structure of recount text are :
1. Orientation
Introducing the participants, place and time. The first paragraph is orientation.
Last night I went to the restaurant with my family. It was my dad's birthday.
2. Events
Describing series of event that happened in the past. Event can be more than one. In the text above, the events is in the second paragraph.
We ate a pizza and salad. Our pizza was so big. I asked my dad to order some ice cream. Then my Dad ordered some ice cream and chocolate. I ate ice cream with chocolate happily. After dinner at the restaurant we went home.
3. Reorientation
It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. The last paragraph is the re-orientation.
It was a great dinner.
Language Features of the Recount Text
• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
• Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
• Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
• Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
• Using simple past tense
Now, Watch and read the following story. Have fun!
How about the story? Now, your job is "do the quiz"
Good job!
It is the explanation about recount text. You are so great. You have learned one more thing. Keep learning and smiling.
See you next session.
See you next session.
Descriptive Text
Hello guys, How are you?
Hopefully, you have a great day today
because we will learn about descriptive text.
Do you have a pet at home? What kind of pet? Do you love it?
There is a text below about pet.
You have to read the following text below.
Hopefully, you have a great day today
because we will learn about descriptive text.
Do you have a pet at home? What kind of pet? Do you love it?
There is a text below about pet.
You have to read the following text below.
You have to read it carefully.
Are you ready? Check this out!
Are you ready? Check this out!
My First Pet
My name is Sarah.
I am 14 years old.
I have a pet cat.
My cat's name is Milo.
My cat is black and white.
Milo's paws are white.
Milo's body is black.
She is very cute.
Milo's fur is very soft.
Milo was a very small kitten.
Milo is a very big cat.
She is fixed.
Milo likes eating.
Milo likes playing outside
Milo likes hunting for birds.
Milo likes hunting for mice.
She likes her ears scratched.
Milo likes sitting in my lap.
Milo likes sleeping on my bed.
Milo is a good pet.
You can check how to read it correctly by listening audio below.
Have you finished read the text?
The text above described about pet.
The writer told her mother in a specific.
Why is the text descriptive? So, what is descriptive text?
The Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which describe a person or a thing is like.
The Purpose of Descriptive Text
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe someone or something. The text above tell about pet in specific way. Whose is pet? The Sarah's pet. It is not readers'pet.
The Generic Structure of Description Text
Description text has a specific structure . The structure are :
- Identification (identifying the someone or something to be described)
In the text above, the identification is in first paragraph.
My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old.
I have a pet cat.
My cat's name is Milo.
- Description ( describing the someone or something in detail)
The description structure of the text above is the rest paragraph.
My cat is black and white.
Milo's paws are white.
Milo's body is black.
She is very cute.
Milo's fur is very soft.
Milo was a very small kitten.
Milo is a very big cat.
Milo cannot have kittens.
She is fixed.
Milo likes eating.
Milo likes playing outside
Milo likes hunting for birds.
Milo likes hunting for mice.
She likes her ears scratched.
Milo likes sitting in my lap.
Milo likes sleeping on my bed.
Milo is a good pet.
It tells about Sara's pet characteristics. It can be physical characteristic (For example : My cat is black and white. Milo's paws are white. Milo's body is black) and physiology or attitude characteristic ( For example : Milo likes to play outside )
The Language Features of Descriptive Text
- Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group
"My cat is black and white. Milo's paws are white. "
- Using simple present tense.
Descriptive text always use present tense because it describe something or someone in real . For example : Milo likes eating.
Yeah! you have learned all about descriptive text.
Let's check your understanding!
Now try this quiz. There will be some text.
Now, read text. Happy reading and do the best!
Wow, we learn so much today. Hopefully, you are happy. Keep learning English, everywhere every time!